Friday, November 9, 2007

Why Are We So Lazy??

This is kind of a rant and I hope that no one will be offended. I'm not speaking of anyone in particular, just our society in general and even myself at times. Here's the thing; there are so many things in our world that are bad for our children, but we still do/give them things that are harmful or even lethal.

For example, heating a bottle in the microwave releases carcinogens, the same cancer causing agents that are in cigarettes!! But since it takes SO much more effort to heat a bottle with boiling water, people heat their bottles in the microwave! I just don't get it. Are they going to allow their kids to smoke? No? Why not? Because it causes cancer??
And I know that so many people say "well everything causes cancer, so I'll keep doing it." I'm sorry, but that is the STUPIDEST argument I have ever heard! It's actually just laziness. Our society is SO lazy!! I know that lots of the things in our world cause cancer, but I want to be here for my children and their children. So if there are things we can do to MINIMIZE those chances, why not do them? I have see how devestating it is to lose a parent or a child so you better believe I'm going to do all I can to stick around and also keep my kids around.

Another example is feeding our kids crap. I want my kids to be healthy. I'm not going to feed them sugar and deep fried foods when they're one year old. I have seen parents feed their one year olds Coke in their sippy cup!! I was horrified! They are going to have the rest of their lives to choose to eat bad foods. While I can choose, and they don't know what they're missing, I am ONLY going to feed them things that give them nutrients. People say "but they like them." SO?? THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY'RE MISSING, SO WHY GIVE IT TO THEM?? They like fruit too. I'm not going to be some food nazi, but I want their bodies in these formative years to have the best possible start. Also, we're laying the foundation for the rest of their lives. I know that I'm not the healthiest person, but I want the best for my kids and I just don't understand how parents don't realize the consequences of their actions. Ok, well I fell better now that I got that off my chest. Bye!


Lauren said...

Soooo...I totally agree with your rant---I totally find myself doing things that I know I shouldn't (even when it comes to Kallie, which I never thought would happen!) just b/c I'm lazy! I think a big part of the nutrition thing, though, is ignorance. I know it's hard for us to believe, b/c we've made a point of educating ourselves on it, but a lot of people actually don't know just how bad a lot of things are for their kids. But, when it comes down to it, it is laziness, b/c they're not being proactive about finding out what's best for their child. I'm really not one to talk though, b/c I've done so many things (especially when it comes to Kallie's sleeping) that was done just b/c I didn't have the energy to do anything else! ahhh...parenting is a journey...hopefully I figure out what I'm doing before I mess her up too much:)

Unknown said...

Preach it sister! I love your ranting!