Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Life ~ What a Whirlwind!

Well as you can probably tell by the title, our lives seem pretty crazy these days. One of the big contributing factors to this is that we're in the midst of selling our house and have to deal with showings. I was thinking about it, and showings wouldn't be a big deal if Chris and I both worked and didn't have kids because you're really only awake at home for a few hours a day and it's usually watching TV. BUT, I am home ALL day with not only one, but two kids (I do home daycare). So when that realtor calls us at 11:00 am and says, "hey, how 'bout a showing at 3:00," there is hesitation in my voice as I say yes, because I know that I now have to spend the rest of my day dusting every surface, wiping away all the little fingerprints that accumulate on glass surfaces, doing ALL the laundry, sweeping/mopping/vaccuuming all floors, cleaning both bathrooms, then there are all the toys in the basement and main floor, and finally, I save the kitchen for last. Wow, it makes me exhausted just thinking about it. That's a lot of work for a normal person, but then imagine doing that while being 6 months pregnant, exhausted because you can't sleep, WHILE watching and feeding 2 kids! We have had approx. 2-6 showings a week for the past month. I am not looking for pity, this is simply a glimpse into my life.

So, on top of showings, my grandpa has bought a ten acre property with a mobile home on it, that he decided to rent out. The only thing is that he doesn't know the first thing about having tenants, so he asked me to take over. "Sure grandpa, I'd be happy to help you, no problem"...... who knew finding tenants and getting them settled in a new home took so much work?! So there's posting the ad, getting a hundred phone calls, doing showings, finding and making contracts, making keys, doing walk-throughs, and everything else that comes along with that. This also wouldn't be a big deal, except that I have to do it all on top of working all day, Chris being gone (with our car) to work, showings, and working around making dinner/ napping/ sleeping/schedules. Needless to say, we have eaten out more than we'd like to lately. But this is life, and we cope. I am extremely exhausted on a daily basis, I pretty much have a short fuse and can cry very easily. Chris said today that I'm lucky I have such a patient husband :o) I told him he's lucky he has such a great wife :o)
I'm looking forward to our house being sold, me being done daycare, and just being able to relax. Tonight was the first night I watched TV in a LOOONNGG time and I got to watch my favourite show "Jon and Kate Plus Eight." It made me feel better and not so sorry for myself :o)

1 comment:

Lauren said...

wow! I already knew everything you wrote about...but seeing it all written out in one place...I don't really know how you're surviving!!! I wish I was there, I would totally try and help so you could put your six month pregnant feet up at least for a minute!!! I pray for a quick sale! And I love your response to Chris's 'you're lucky' comment:) you're both blessed:) Talk to you soon!